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United Baptist Church
Beliefs & Doctrines
Affiliation: United Baptist Church is a non affiliated Independent Baptist Church located in Greeneville, TN.
Description: United Baptist Church is a conservative, Bible believing, missionary minded, soul winning church. Our worship style could be characterized as being old fashioned and informal. We believe in spirit led, Holy Ghost filled preaching and singing and we unashamedly embrace the old time way.
God: We believe that there is one God who manifests Himself in three distinct personalities (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). We believe God is eternal, immutable, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, holy, righteous, just, merciful, gracious and good. We believe the Biblical name of God is Jehovah and that He is the creator and sustainer of all things.
Holy Spirt: We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. We believe that every attribute that applies to God also applies to the Holy Ghost. We believe He is masculine in nature, and that in the Old Testament, He empowered believers for service. We believe the Holy Ghost is the divine agent of God, sent to be the identity badge of the Church. On the day of Pentecost, we believe He descended from Heaven, began indwelling believers, which constituted the establishment of the Church here on Earth. We believe the Holy Spirit illuminates, convicts, regenerates, baptizes, indwells, infills, guides, teaches, enables and empowers Christians for service. We believe the Holy Spirit takes up residence in the heart of a Christian at the moment of salvation and we reject the idea of a second work of grace or the notion of being filled with the Spirit later at a later time after salvation as being evidence by an ability to speak in an "unkown tongue".
Church: We believe that the Church is the institution God ordained by which His work is to be carried out through during this current dispensation. We believe the Church was conceived during the earthly ministry of Jesus but was not actually birthed until the day of Pentecost. We believe the church is both universal and local in nature. We believe the Biblical officers of the church are identified in the Scriptures to be pastors and deacons, and we only believe these roles can be filled by those of the male gender. We believe the biblically prescribed ordinances of the church are Baptism by Immersion to be observed following salvation, and Communion (Lord's Supper) that is to be regularly observed after salvation as a form of reflection and remembrance of the Lord's death (till He come).
Gender and Sexuality: We believe the Bible, as well as human nature itself clearly defines two genders, male and female. We strongly refute anything other than these two traditional genders. We also believe the Bible establishes a clear cut order for what constitutes a human family. We believe the human family can only consist of one man and one woman united together in under the holy estate of matrimony. We believe any kind of sexual activity that is engaged in outside the boundaries of this union is outside the parameters set forth by God's Word and is to be considered sinful. We strongly refute any and all forms of homosexuality, lesbianism, or transgender behavior.
Location: Our church is located in the small town of Greeneville, in North-East Tennessee, in the western foothills of the Appalachian mountains.
Salvation: We believe that salvation can only be attained placing one's faith in God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, for salvation (John 14:6). We believe in salvation by, grace through faith and not by our works (Ephesians 2:8-9). We believe that repentance from sin is necessary for salvation (Luke 13:3). We believe in an immediate justification, a progressive sanctification and a future glorification of God's children that will occur in conjunction with the Rapture and the Resurrection of Saints.
Jesus Christ: We believe in the deity and humanity of Christ. Regarding His deity, we believe that Jesus is Jehovah. We believe that every attribute that applies to God applies to Jesus. Regarding His humanity, we believe in the incarnation of Christ. We believe Jesus was born of a virgin, He lived an absolutely sinless life here on Earth and that He died a vicarious and substitutionary death on behalf of man's sins. We believe He was buried in a tomb and that He rose again from the dead after three days in that tomb. We believe Christ ascended unto Heaven, where He currently sits at the Father's right hand, interceding on behalf of God's children. We believe that one day, Christ will return in the sky, Rapture His church, and will later return to Earth and establish a one thousand year millennial reign from the throne of His Father David.
Bible: We believe in the plenary verbal inspiration of the Scripture. We believe that the Bible is the perfectly inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God. We believe in the eternality and the immutability of the Scriptures. We also believe in the perfect preservation of God's Word as well. We recognize the King James Bible to be the "authorized version" of the Scripture for God's people in the English version. We only allow the King James Bible to be used on any preaching or teaching platform of our church.
Prophecy: We believe in a Premillennial and Pretribulational view of the interpretation of Bible prophecy. We make a definite distinction between promises that were made to Israel versus the church regarding the interpretation of Bible Prophecy. We recognize the rebirth of the nation of Israel as the most significant event of Bible prophecy since the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. We believe the next event on the prophetic calendar will be the Rapture of the Church. We believe the Rapture will be the event that sets the unfulfilled events of prophecy into motion. We believe that shortly after the Rapture, the antichrist will be revealed and the tribulation will begin. We believe that the tribulation will last a period of seven years, with the last three and a half years being known as the "Great Tribulation", also known as the "Time of Jacob's Trouble". We believe at the mid point of the Tribulation, the antichrist will enter into the rebuilt Jerusalem Temple and will reference Himself as being god. We believe the Great Tribulation will climax with a final battle taking place in the Valley of Megiddo between the armies of antichrist and armies of the Earth who align themselves against him. We believe that Jesus Christ will then appear, vanquish the armies of antichrist, defeat the devil and cast him into a bottomless pit where he will be bound for one thousand years. We believe that during this one thousand year period, Jesus Christ will establish a thousand year millennial reign of peace on Earth where He will rule from David's throne, thus fulfilling Bible promises that were made to the Jewish people throughout the Old Testament. After this one thousand year Millennial reign, Satan will be loosed for a little season where he will launch one final rebellion against God. During this time, Satan will be totally and finally defeated, and he will be cast into the Lake of Fire where he will burn throughout all Eternity. We believe the next event will be a Great White Throne Judgment where all the lost will stand before God and be judged according to their works, after which they will all be cast into the Lake of Fire with the devil where they will burn eternally. We believe all the saved will then enter into the Eternal Sate where they'll spend Eternity enjoying their time with each other and most of all, with the Lord Jesus.
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